Yes. Crotch holes happen to us all! But no longer does it spell the end for your favorite denim. Select from 6 different materials to find the perfect match for your pair!
Stops fraying garments from breaking down further
Repair split seams due to excessive strain
Reinforce worn down knees, thighs, crotch & elbows
Preventative reinforcement for the perfectly distressed hole in your new jeans, skirt, shorts or jacket
Preventative reinforcement of those known high-stress areas that tend to plague you
One 8x6 stability inner-patch
Two pieces of yellow heat release paper
One piece of tracing paper
Tatter Patch leads the way when it comes to saving your jeans, your money and your look. Don't settle for cheap alternatives. Go with the Original!
Blown-out or fraying thigh, butt or crotch seam – One of our Stabilizing Repair Patch Kits
Hole or tear in main front or back area of garment – Original, Loose Thread, Patterned, Denim or Limited-Edition patches.
Stretchy and tight – Loose Thread works best vs the original if the garment is tight. The denim and stretchy Limited-Edition options (when available).
Creating your own distressed denim look - Original, Loose Thread, Patterned, Denim or Limited-Edition patches.
Garment mending and fabric crafting projects – Tatter Adhesive
Both the Original and Loose Tatter Patch protect your garment from further damage, once you accidentally put your foot going through a perfect hole or tear. They also allow you to make your own distressed denim look.
The Original Tatter Patch is a sturdy fabric patch that mimics the appearance of distressed thread, with a hint of skin peeking out. It can be cut to a smaller size(s), and the appearance of the skin is a translucent backing that allows your skin to show through the backing without coming through your hole or tear.
The Loose Thread Tatter Patch is a less sturdy version of the original patch that mimics the appearance of distressed thread. This patch can NOT be cut to a smaller size or shape. However, once applied, the translucent backing is trimmed out, leaving the loose thread and your skin exposed and peeking out between the loose thread.
Non-stretch or loose-fitting jeans – Measure hole or tear at its widest and longest point. Add 1.50” to the length and width for adhesive bonding.
Stretch or tight skinny jeans – Since Tatter Patch is not a stretchy product it is not recommended for stretchy / tight denim. Causing the patch to pop off tight, stressed areas if applied incorrectly. However, there is a way to apply once you have figured out the right size:
First put your garment on. Next measure your hole or tears at its widest and longest point while sitting down or in whatever position that might cause the patch to pop off easily strain and tightness.
Be sure to add 1.50” to the length and width for the adhesive bonding process.
Our Mission
We are committed to healing in all its forms. Our products create stylish, sustainable solutions to everyday fashion emergencies. Our mission is to help denim lovers repair and restore their lives.